Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WVU Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, call for papers

Here's a nearby undergraduate conference, at WVU. From the call for papers (which is available from me if you send me an email):

Requirements: Each submission should include a 100 to 150 word abstract. Papers should be no more than 10 pages double-spaced. Please include a cover page with the paper's title, author's name, mailing address, e-mail, phone number, school affiliation, and word count. Please do not put any self-identifying information in the body of the paper because the papers will be sorted for blind review.


From: Allison Marie Lastinger []
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 2:06 PM
Subject: WVU Undergraduate Philosophy Conference, call for papers


The West Virginia University philosophy department will be hosting its second annual undergraduate philosophy conference April 4-5. Find attached the call for papers/announcement.

Undergraduates are asked to submit a paper on ANY topic in philosophy to<> by Feb. 15th.

Thank you,
Justin Snedegar, Conference Organization team

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