Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Colorado Summer Seminar for Undergraduates

This looks like a great idea for any of you considering graduate school.  Participating in this kind of summer seminar would look very good on one's CV (resume), and it would probably be a lot of fun (well, philosophy-fun--which is as close to the real thing as anything gets).

For the ninth summer running, CU/Boulder will hold a three-week
intensive seminar for undergraduates considering graduate school in
philosophy. This summer's (rather broad) topic is Big Ideas in the
History of Philosophy. For more information, go to

or consult the details below.


*Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy* July 14th - Aug. 1st, 2008

The seminar is intended for outstanding undergraduates who are
considering graduate school in philosophy. The aim is to introduce
students to the atmosphere of a graduate-level seminar, giving them a
chance to explore their philosophical abilities and interests before
they commit to a graduate program.

In addition to offering the experience of a graduate seminar, we hope
participants will benefit from meeting other students with similar
interests and from interacting with prominent faculty in the field.
Seminars in previous summers have attracted students from all over the
country and abroad. All kinds of schools have been represented, from
prestigious to liberal arts colleges to major research universities. We
especially encourage applications from students who do not have the
opportunity to take high-level courses at their own institution, and
from students coming from institutions with modest reputations in the
philosophical community.

The class size will be 15-20. The course will be highly  intensive,
meeting five times a week for three weeks, for three hours a
day. The readings will be dense and difficult, and students will be
expected to participate extensively. Several papers will be required.
Applicants should have done substantial work in philosophy, including
exposure to contemporary analytic methods. Preference will be given to
students who have not yet applied to graduate programs.

Successful participants will receive three credit hours at the graduate
level, which may be applied either to undergraduate or to future
graduate study.

*Topic for 2008: Big Ideas in the History of Philosophy*

The topic of the Seminar changes every summer. In 2008, the Seminar's
topic will range widely over some of the most important ideas from the
history of philosophy. Likely topics include:

    * Ancient skepticism
    * Plato's Forms
    * Aristotelian hylomorphism
    * Cartesian substances
    * The analytic-synthetic distinction
    * Hedonism

and much, much more…..

*Summer in Colorado*

The seminar will take place on the campus of the University of Colorado
at Boulder. Located at the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains, 25 miles
northwest of Denver, Boulder is perhaps the most attractive college
setting in the country. Participants will be encouraged to explore the
city of Boulder and the nearby mountains. Weekend outings will be organized.

*Participating Faculty*

The seminar will be jointly taught by the faculty of the Department of
Philosophy, with various guests. Scheduled participants include:

    * Dominic Bailey (Cambridge, Ph.D. 2004)
    * Robert Hanna (Yale, Ph.D. 1989)
    * Chris Heathwood (UMass, Ph.D. 2005)
    * Dan Kaufman (UMass, Ph.D. 2000)
    * Kathrin Koslicki (MIT, Ph.D. 1995)
    * Mitzi Lee (Harvard, Ph.D . 1996)
    * Robert Pasnau (Cornell, Ph.D. 1994)
    * Michael Tooley (Princeton, Ph.D. 1968)

along with

    * Rebecca Copenhaver, visiting from Lewis and Clark College
    * Christina van Dyke, visiting from Calvin College

*Tuition and Housing*

Tuition: $750

Housing: approximately $400


There is no application form.

Applicants should collect the following:

1. A cover letter including your name, mailing address, email
address, and an account of who you are and why you are interested in the

2. A letter of recommendation from  someone who has taught you

3. A copy of your college transcript. (Unofficial copies are fine.)

Mail this information to

Summer Seminar
Department of Philosophy
University of Colorado
232 UCB
Boulder, CO  80309-0232

To receive full consideration, applications should be received by April
1st. Decisions will be made within a month.

For more information, contact Robert Pasnau:

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