Thursday, January 31, 2008

SSHE IAPRS conference call for papers

Here is a message from the organizer of the PASSHE Philosophy and Religion conference, which is being held at Indiana University of Pennsylvania this year. Papers should be 8-12 pages, to be read in 15-20 minutes. There are even prizes available. If you're interested in attending, see me for the flier and other information.

The twenty-first annual conference of the PA SSHE Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies will be held at IUP on April 11-12, 2008. The keynote speaker for the conference will be Jerry Massey from the University of Pittsburgh. The call for papers, which I sent earlier this year, is attached. The deadline is March 1, 2008. You will receive a hard copy of this message and the call for papers by snail mail in a week or so.

A block of rooms has been reserved for the conference at the Indiana Best Western Motel.

Indiana Best Western Motel
1545 Wayne Ave
Indiana, PA 15701
(724) 254-2471

Rooms there will cost $ 51.94 per room per night. For students, there is no registration fee, and the cost of their hotel rooms and will be covered by the association.

For those who are interested, other local hotels and Bed and Breakfasts include:

Holiday Inn
1395 Wayne Avenue
Indiana, PA 15701
$129.00 per night – single

Comfort Inn
1350 Indian Springs Road
Indiana, PA 15701
$98.96 + tax - single

Putt'r Sleep Inn (on the golf course)
515 Hamil Road
Indiana, PA 15701
$60.00 - single or double w/private bath

Brickhaven Bed & Breakfast
923 Church Street
Indiana, PA 15701
$95.00 + tax per night small room private bath
$115.00 + tax per night larger room with jacuzzi and private bath

Heritage House
209 South Sixth Street
Indiana, PA 15701
(most expensive on this list)

Scotts Motel
1411 Wayne Ave
Indiana, PA 15701
(724) 465-5571
(least expensive on this list)


If you have questions, you may email me at<>. I hope to see you at the conference.


Professor Carol Caraway

attachment: Call for papers

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