The College of Wooster Philosophical Journal
Students Of the
College of Wooster
Philosophy Department
Wooster, OH
'Sapere Aude', as used in Immanuel Kant's Essay, "What is
Enlightenment?" means
'Dare to Know.' This phrase exemplifies the mission of Sapere Aude.
Our aim is to
facilitate intellectual discovery by encouraging students to reason
independently and to
explore unfamiliar philosophical territory.
We invite undergraduate students to submit philosophical papers in all
areas of
philosophy. The papers should exhibit independent thought and
exemplify a deep
understanding of a philosophical issue.
Papers sent to Sapere Aude for consideration of inclusion must adhere
to the following:
1) Each entry should be prepared for blind review and must have a
title page
containing the author's name, college or university, and year. No
other identifier
should be present within the paper.
2) All entries should be no longer than 20 pages and may include
footnotes as a
supplement to the text.
3) Paper format: one inch margins, double spaced, 12 pt. font, Times
Roman, and should adhere to an accepted style of citation.
4) All pages, except the title page, should be numbered.
5) All entries should be submitted as an electronic copy (.doc only,
please) to
Deadline for Submission:
January 31st, 2010
Please send any questions to
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