Sunday, December 13, 2009

Undergraduate Conference


     M I D S O U T H  P H I L O S O P H Y  C O N F E R E N C E

     and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

     The University of Memphis

     March 5-6, 2010

The thirty-fourth annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for
Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 5-6, at The University of Memphis.

  The UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE will have parallel sessions. has details.

Thomas Nenon has reserved rooms for Thursday (3/4) through Saturday (3/6)
nights at the Comfort Inn on 100 North Front Street.  Call 901-526-0583 and
identify yourself as a participant in the MidSouth Philosophy Conference by
February 15 in order to ensure availability and to receive the conference
rate.  The airport shuttle goes to the Comfort Inn for about $15, taxis for
about $30.

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