Thursday, December 17, 2009

Summer School at CMU

Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology

In the summer of 2010, the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon
University will hold a three-week summer school in logic and formal
epistemology for promising undergraduates in philosophy, mathematics,
computer science, linguistics, and other sciences.

The goals are to

o introduce students to cross-disciplinary fields of research at an
early stage in their career; and
o forge lasting links between the various disciplines.

The summer school will be held from Monday, June 7 to Friday, June 25,
2010. There will be morning and afternoon lectures and daily problem
sessions, as well as planned outings and social events.

The summer school is free. That is, we will provide

o full tuition, and
o dormitory accommodations on the Carnegie Mellon campus.

So students need only pay round trip travel to Pittsburgh and living
expenses while there. There are no grades, and the courses do not
provide formal course credit.

Instructions for applying can be found on the summer school web page,

Materials must be received by the Philosophy Department by March 15,

This year's topics are:

Logic and Scientific Inquiry
Monday, June 7 to Friday, June 11
Instructor: Clark Glymour

Computability and Foundations
Monday, June 14 to Friday, June 18
Instructor: Wilfried Sieg

Philosophical Logic and Formal Epistemology
Monday, June 21 to Friday, June 25
Instructor: Horacio Arlo-Costa

The summer school is open to undergraduates, as well as to students
who will be completing their first year of graduate school. Applicants
need not be US citizens. There is a $20 nonrefundable application

Inquiries may be directed to Jeremy Avigad (

Monday, December 14, 2009

Undergraduate Conference, Duquesne

2nd Annual Duquesne University
Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
April 10th, 2009

With Keynote Speaker Babette Babich (Fordham University)
Call for Papers

• Submission is open to any undergraduate enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education
• Papers can be on any philosophical topic
• Papers should be approximately 10-15 pages in length, allowing for a 20 minute presentation time (no word limit)
• Papers are subject to a bl ind review – thus all personal information about the author should be on the cover sheet only
• Paper submissions are also required to have a cover sheet including: (1) paper title, (2) name, (3) institution, (4) e-mail, and (5) abstract (roughly 100 words)
• Papers should to be submitted electronically (preferably in Microsoft Word) to<>
• Notification of acceptance will be sent out by March 10th

Submission Deadline: Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Undergraduate Conference


     M I D S O U T H  P H I L O S O P H Y  C O N F E R E N C E

     and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

     The University of Memphis

     March 5-6, 2010

The thirty-fourth annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for
Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 5-6, at The University of Memphis.

  The UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE will have parallel sessions. has details.

Thomas Nenon has reserved rooms for Thursday (3/4) through Saturday (3/6)
nights at the Comfort Inn on 100 North Front Street.  Call 901-526-0583 and
identify yourself as a participant in the MidSouth Philosophy Conference by
February 15 in order to ensure availability and to receive the conference
rate.  The airport shuttle goes to the Comfort Inn for about $15, taxis for
about $30.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Undergraduate Journal

Call for Undergraduate Papers

The editors of the University of Utah's undergraduate journal of
philosophy, "Philomathia," cordially invite undergraduate students to
submit original essays, book reviews or interviews for consideration
in its spring 2010 issue. Contributions in any area of philosophy are
welcome. Papers must be prepared for blind review and should not
exceed 20 pages in length.

For full submission guidelines, please visit: Submit
by: January 15, 2010.

To learn more about the University of Utah's undergraduate journal of
philosophy, please visit:

Monday, December 7, 2009

Conference, Chapel Hill

Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
April 17-18, 2010
Keynote address by Dr. Martha Nussbaum
(University of Chicago)


Submission guidelines:

Undergraduates are encouraged to submit philosophy papers on any
topic. Submissions may be no longer than 4000 words and must be
emailed to by Sunday, February 14.

Submission should be prepared for blind refereeing but should include
a cover sheet with the following information:

1. Full Name
2. Name of University
3. Mailing Address
4. Email address
5. The Paper's Title
6. An abstract (150 words maximum)
7. Word count of submission

Email a copy of your paper, as an attachment, in Microsoft Word, Rich
Text Format, or Adobe Portable Document Format to Title your document: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.

Notification of acceptance will be sent out early March. Authors who
cannot be contacted via email will be rejected. Some travel funding
may be available for accepted authors whose own University is unable
to assist.

Co-Sponsored by the Carolina Philosophy Club, the North Carolina Eta
Chapter of Phi Sigma Tau, and the Department of Philosophy at UNC-
Chapel Hill.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Earning Potential of Philosophy Majors

The American Philosophical Association (APA) has posted the following link on its website:

After clicking on it, one finds a listing of undergraduate college majors ranked by salary. Philosophy turns out to be first within liberal arts disciplines. Overall, it's just behind engineering majors.

Notice: California University of Pennsylvania is changing its domain name from CUP.EDU to CALU.EDU, effective Aug. 14. Please make a note that all email addresses will change to use this domain name and record appropriate changes in your contact lists. The CUP.EDU address will continue to work in parallel for a short time and then will be discontinued.