Thursday, December 17, 2009

Summer School at CMU

Carnegie Mellon Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology

In the summer of 2010, the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon
University will hold a three-week summer school in logic and formal
epistemology for promising undergraduates in philosophy, mathematics,
computer science, linguistics, and other sciences.

The goals are to

o introduce students to cross-disciplinary fields of research at an
early stage in their career; and
o forge lasting links between the various disciplines.

The summer school will be held from Monday, June 7 to Friday, June 25,
2010. There will be morning and afternoon lectures and daily problem
sessions, as well as planned outings and social events.

The summer school is free. That is, we will provide

o full tuition, and
o dormitory accommodations on the Carnegie Mellon campus.

So students need only pay round trip travel to Pittsburgh and living
expenses while there. There are no grades, and the courses do not
provide formal course credit.

Instructions for applying can be found on the summer school web page,

Materials must be received by the Philosophy Department by March 15,

This year's topics are:

Logic and Scientific Inquiry
Monday, June 7 to Friday, June 11
Instructor: Clark Glymour

Computability and Foundations
Monday, June 14 to Friday, June 18
Instructor: Wilfried Sieg

Philosophical Logic and Formal Epistemology
Monday, June 21 to Friday, June 25
Instructor: Horacio Arlo-Costa

The summer school is open to undergraduates, as well as to students
who will be completing their first year of graduate school. Applicants
need not be US citizens. There is a $20 nonrefundable application

Inquiries may be directed to Jeremy Avigad (

Monday, December 14, 2009

Undergraduate Conference, Duquesne

2nd Annual Duquesne University
Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
April 10th, 2009

With Keynote Speaker Babette Babich (Fordham University)
Call for Papers

• Submission is open to any undergraduate enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education
• Papers can be on any philosophical topic
• Papers should be approximately 10-15 pages in length, allowing for a 20 minute presentation time (no word limit)
• Papers are subject to a bl ind review – thus all personal information about the author should be on the cover sheet only
• Paper submissions are also required to have a cover sheet including: (1) paper title, (2) name, (3) institution, (4) e-mail, and (5) abstract (roughly 100 words)
• Papers should to be submitted electronically (preferably in Microsoft Word) to<>
• Notification of acceptance will be sent out by March 10th

Submission Deadline: Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Undergraduate Conference


     M I D S O U T H  P H I L O S O P H Y  C O N F E R E N C E

     and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

     The University of Memphis

     March 5-6, 2010

The thirty-fourth annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for
Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 5-6, at The University of Memphis.

  The UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE will have parallel sessions. has details.

Thomas Nenon has reserved rooms for Thursday (3/4) through Saturday (3/6)
nights at the Comfort Inn on 100 North Front Street.  Call 901-526-0583 and
identify yourself as a participant in the MidSouth Philosophy Conference by
February 15 in order to ensure availability and to receive the conference
rate.  The airport shuttle goes to the Comfort Inn for about $15, taxis for
about $30.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Undergraduate Journal

Call for Undergraduate Papers

The editors of the University of Utah's undergraduate journal of
philosophy, "Philomathia," cordially invite undergraduate students to
submit original essays, book reviews or interviews for consideration
in its spring 2010 issue. Contributions in any area of philosophy are
welcome. Papers must be prepared for blind review and should not
exceed 20 pages in length.

For full submission guidelines, please visit: Submit
by: January 15, 2010.

To learn more about the University of Utah's undergraduate journal of
philosophy, please visit:

Monday, December 7, 2009

Conference, Chapel Hill

Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
April 17-18, 2010
Keynote address by Dr. Martha Nussbaum
(University of Chicago)


Submission guidelines:

Undergraduates are encouraged to submit philosophy papers on any
topic. Submissions may be no longer than 4000 words and must be
emailed to by Sunday, February 14.

Submission should be prepared for blind refereeing but should include
a cover sheet with the following information:

1. Full Name
2. Name of University
3. Mailing Address
4. Email address
5. The Paper's Title
6. An abstract (150 words maximum)
7. Word count of submission

Email a copy of your paper, as an attachment, in Microsoft Word, Rich
Text Format, or Adobe Portable Document Format to Title your document: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.

Notification of acceptance will be sent out early March. Authors who
cannot be contacted via email will be rejected. Some travel funding
may be available for accepted authors whose own University is unable
to assist.

Co-Sponsored by the Carolina Philosophy Club, the North Carolina Eta
Chapter of Phi Sigma Tau, and the Department of Philosophy at UNC-
Chapel Hill.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Earning Potential of Philosophy Majors

The American Philosophical Association (APA) has posted the following link on its website:

After clicking on it, one finds a listing of undergraduate college majors ranked by salary. Philosophy turns out to be first within liberal arts disciplines. Overall, it's just behind engineering majors.

Notice: California University of Pennsylvania is changing its domain name from CUP.EDU to CALU.EDU, effective Aug. 14. Please make a note that all email addresses will change to use this domain name and record appropriate changes in your contact lists. The CUP.EDU address will continue to work in parallel for a short time and then will be discontinued.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Undergraduate Conference, The College of New Jersey

An Undergraduate Philosophy Conference will be held at The College of New
Jersey on February 27th, 2010. Papers in all areas of philosophy are
welcome, and should be suitable for presentation in twenty to twenty-five
minutes' reading time. Students who are interested in serving as paper
commentators should contact Professor Taylor at the email address below.

The Keynote Speaker will be Jesse Prinz, the John J. Rogers Distinguished
Professor, Department of Philosophy University of North Carolina Chapel

Deadline for submissions: Friday, December 11, 2009. Please send submissions
by email attachment to Mrs. Joanne Cantor, Departmental Secretary, at or in hard copy to Professor Taylor, Department of
Philosophy and Religion, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718, Ewing, NJ
08628-0718. Please address inquiries to Professor Taylor at jtaylor[at]

Monday, November 23, 2009

On the APA, Jobs, and Bias

There has been a bit of a controversy in recent years about hiring
practices in philosophy and potential bias therein. The APA seems to
have taken a new stance on the issues:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Philosophy and Comedy

And now, indeed, for something completely different:

Notice: California University of Pennsylvania is changing its domain name from CUP.EDU to CALU.EDU, effective Aug. 14. Please make a note that all email addresses will change to use this domain name and record appropriate changes in your contact lists. The CUP.EDU address will continue to work in parallel for a short time and then will be discontinued.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Spring 2010: Philosophy 490

Philosophy 490
Seminar in Philosophy

Dr. Craig Fox

Topic: Wittgenstein

TR 3:30-4:45

This course will consist in a close reading of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations. We will engage significantly with the secondary literature and with current interpretive questions about Wittgenstein's philosophy.

Interested? Questions? Just email Dr. Fox.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Call for Undergraduate Papers

Call For Undergraduate Papers

STANCE: An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal

Submission Guidelines:
Stance welcomes papers concerning any philosophical topic. Current
undergraduates may submit a paper between 1500 and 3500 words in
length (footnotes may extend the word limit 500 words at most). Stance
asks that each undergraduate only submit one paper for the journal per
year. Papers should avoid unnecessary technicality and strive to be
accessible to the widest possible audience without sacrificing clarity
or rigor. They are evaluated on the following criteria: depth of
inquiry, quality of research, creativity, lucidity, and most
importantly originality.

Submission Procedures:
• Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word (.doc) format and sent as an
attachment to
• Manuscripts should be double-spaced (including quotations, excerpts,
and footnotes)
• The right margin should not be justified
• To facilitate our anonymous review process, submissions are to be
prepared for blind review. Include a cover page with the author's
name, affiliation, title, and email address. Papers, including
footnotes, should have no other identifying markers.
• Footnotes should follow Chicago Manual of Style. Examples are on our
website under Notes for Contributors.
• Please use American spellings and punctuation, except when directly
quoting a source that has followed British style.


Deadline: Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Undergraduate CFP


Episteme, an International Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy,
announces the scheduled publication of volume XXI, May 2010.

Episteme will consider papers written by undergraduate students in any
area of philosophy. Papers are evaluated according to quality of
research, depth of inquiry, creativity, original insight and clarity.
Submissions should:

1. Remain under the 5,000 words maximum.

2. Include a cover sheet with the author's name, mailing address
(current and permanent), email address, telephone number, college or
university name, submission title, and word count.

3. End with a Works Cited page in Chicago style. Please use endnotes
rather than footnotes.

4. Arrive electronically by midnight on 11/15/09 to the e-mail address as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Episteme is an annual student-run publication, founded in 1990, that
aims to recognize and encourage excellence in undergraduate philosophy
by providing students and faculty with examples of strong work.

Our May 2009 issue, volume XX, contained the following four papers:

"The Place of Book X in Plato's Republic, by Willie Costello,
University of Pittsburgh

"A Gap in Kim's Eliminative Argument for Reductionism," by B.D.
Mooneyham, Kansas State University

"Rawls on Abortion: Adapting his Theory of Justice to the
Controversy," Douglas Dreier, Cornell University

"Norm-Expressivism and the Frege-Geach Problem," Megan Blomfield,
University of Bristol

Please direct all questions to the editor -- Denison junior Sean Walt
-- at

Call for Undergraduate Essays

The Interlocutor: Sewanee Philosophical Review is pleased to announce
its most recent volume and its first call for high quality
undergraduate essays for its upcoming volume.

Our call for essays and instructions for submissions can be viewed at

The most recent volume is available at

If you have questions, please feel free to contact

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Call for Papers: The Hemlock Papers (an undergraduate philosophy journal)

A Call for Papers

The Hemlock Papers is now seeking submissions for the Spring 2010 issue.

The Hemlock Papers is produced through the Philosophy Department at
the University of Idaho. This journal publishes work by any
undergraduate student with an interest in philosophy.

We are seeking papers on any philosophical topic. Submissions should
be between three and five thousand words. Essays must be original,
previously unpublished, and submitted while the author is an

Editors may require revisions from authors of accepted submissions.

            Email submissions to by January 11th, 2010.

Submissions should include a title page with title of submission,
author name, institution, email address, and postal address. For blind
review, the rest of the document should only include the title and
text. Email submissions in .docx, .doc, .rtf, .wpd, or .pdf formats.
Any questions regarding submissions can be sent to the editors
directly at the above email address.

Authors will be notified regarding submissions by March, 2010. Authors
of accepted submissions will receive a gratis copy of the Spring 2010
edition of The Hemlock Papers.

The Hemlock Papers

Department of Philosophy

University of Idaho

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Midsouth Philosophy Conference cfp


     M I D S O U T H  P H I L O S O P H Y  C O N F E R E N C E

     and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

     The University of Memphis

     March 5-6, 2010

The thirty-fourth annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for
Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 5-6, at The University of Memphis.
There will be a $25 registration fee, payable by cash or check at the
conference (but not by credit or debit card).

Alastair Norcross (University of Colorado at Boulder) will deliver the
keynote address.

The UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE will have parallel sessions.
has details.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LSAT Workshop Invitation

(Email Dr. Fox or Dr. Press if you're interested in registering for this workshop; we'll give you the relevant information.)

LSAT Test Taking Strategies and Practice Exam

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Location: Saint Vincent College, Prep 100

Test Taking Strategies Session: room A36

The first part of the session will be an administration of the LSAT under test conditions. The second session will deal with the composition of the LSAT, how to prepare, and test taking strategies. Test scores and suggestions for improvement will be mailed to students in two weeks

Notice: California University of Pennsylvania is changing its domain name from CUP.EDU to CALU.EDU, effective Aug. 14. Please make a note that all email addresses will change to use this domain name and record appropriate changes in your contact lists. The CUP.EDU address will continue to work in parallel for a short time and then will be discontinued.

New MA program: Ryerson University (Toronto)

The Philosophy Department at Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada) is
launching an MA program in September 2010. It is a two year (i.e.,
five-term) program and students complete either a thesis or a major
research paper. Our department has strengths in the philosophy of mind
and language; metaphysics; continental philosophy; philosophy of
religion; social and moral philosophy; and aesthetics. We offer very
competitive financial support, with opportunities to work as teaching
and research assistants. We start considering applications on January
15th, 2010.

More information can be found at
or by emailing the Graduate Program Director at

CFP: Ohio Philosophical Association Conference

TOPIC: CFP: Ohio Philosophical Association


* *

*for the*

*Ohio Philosophical Association *

*Annual Meeting*

*Ohio Northern University*

*Ada, Ohio*

*Saturday, April 10, 2010***

*Keynote Speaker*

*Christopher Shields*

Professor of Classical Philosophy

Tutorial Fellow, Lady Margret Hall

Papers are invited on any topic. Papers should be less than 4000 words (not
including notes) and be deliverable in half an hour or less. Submissions
should be prepared for blind review and include an abstract of no more than
200 words.  Papers should be submitted via the conference website.

Papers must be in .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF, or .TXT format only, please, and should
be submitted no later than *January 15, 2010***

Those interested in *commenting* on a paper or *chairing* a session should
contact program chair Patrick Croskery at, as should
those with any questions about the conference.

*Deadline for submission is January 15, 2010.*

Monday, October 5, 2009

Women & Philosophy

Here's a brief reflection on a recent article about the lack of women
in philosophy:

Monday, September 14, 2009

What Can You Do With Philosophy?

If you've taken Perspectives in Philosophy with me, you've heard
Philosophy Bites before. This podcast features brief (around 15
minute) interviews with philosophers on a very wide range of topics.

Here's a link to a discussion of the topic: "What Can You Do With Philosophy?"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Best Philosophy Articles of 2008"

Here's a link to Philosopher's Annual, where they offer a selection of
articles they deem to be the best philosophy articles of 2008:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Third Annual Southeast Philosophy Congress

The Third Annual Southeast Philosophy Congress invites submissions
from undergraduate and graduate students in any area of philosophy.
The Congress, hosted by Clayton State University in Morrow, Georgia,
runs February 12-13, 2010, with keynote speaker George Rainbolt from
Georgia State University. Presented papers will be published in online
and print proceedings.

Talks run 20 minutes, followed by a 10 minute question/answer period.
Please email papers, accompanied by a brief abstract, to Dr. Todd
Janke: Submission deadline is January 31, 2010.
To allow time to plan travel, speakers will be notified immediately
upon acceptance and selection will close when all slots are filled.
The registration fee of $45.00 includes lunch both days and a print
copy of the proceedings.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Undergraduate Essay Contest

The Illinois Philosophical Association is proud to announce its fourth
Undergraduate Student Essay Contest
Essay Prize:
$100 will be awarded to the best philosophy paper by an undergraduate.
The student should be prepared to present the paper at the
Illinois Philosophical Association Conference being held at the
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
October 23-24, 2009

How to Send:
Submit your paper electronically in MSword, .rtf or .pdf format. Send
the paper as an attachment to Professor Grant Sterling of Eastern
Illinois University at:
Also send as an attachment a separate cover page with your name,
institution, and contact information. On this page and in your email
message to Prof. Sterling, indicate "Undergraduate Essay Contest."
Only electronic submissions will be considered.

Submission Deadline:  September 10, 2009

Submission requirements:

*       Papers in any area of philosophy are welcome.
*       Students submitting papers must be undergraduates attending a
university or college in Illinois.
*       By submitting a paper, the winner agrees to present her/his paper at
the 2009 Illinois Philosophical Association Conference in Urbana-
Champaign, IL, October 23-24, 2009.

Required Format for Student Submission:

*       All self-identifying references (including institution-identifying
references) should be removed from the paper itself.
*       The author's name, institution, and contact information should only
appear on a separate cover page and in the body of the email submitted
to Professor Grant Sterling.
*       The paper must not exceed 3000 words in length [not counting
bibliography and notes].
*       Include word count on cover sheet.
*       Title of the paper should appear on both the cover sheet and on the
paper itself.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fall 2009 Courses

Our Fall 2009 courses have been listed on the departmental website for a couple of weeks now at:

By way of personal advertisement, here's some info on the Epistemology course. It will be focused on early analytic philosophy. The primary texts we'll be reading are by Frege, Russell, Moore, Carnap (& other logical positivists), and Quine.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Greatest Philosopher of the 20th Century?

Here's a recent discussion of who the greatest philosopher of the 20th century was:
(I won't ruin the suspense by giving it away before you read it--)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Undergraduate Existentialism Journal

--- THE REED St. Olaf College's Annual, Interdisciplinary, Undergraduate
Journal of Existentialism THE REED invites undergraduate students to submit
essays, prose, poetry, or visual art for the 11th volume. The journal
accepts submissions from undergraduates around the English-speaking world,
and is distributed to philosophy departments across the United States, as
well as the UK and Canada.

Email questions and submissions to:

DEADLINE: April 15th, 2009 Submissions should be from undergraduate
students only, address existential themes or thinkers, and include the
submitter's name and school. Essays should not exceed 4,000 words.

Corliss G. Swain, Chair
Department of Philosophy
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057


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To post to this group, send email to or

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To report abuse, send email explaining the problem to

Google Groups:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Courses for next year?

Are there any courses you'd like to have offered next Fall? Let us know.
While there are a number of factors that contribute to what gets offered, we'd like student wants & needs to be one of them!

PA SSHE Conference at Slippery Rock

The PA SSHE Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies
22nd Annual Conference
Slippery Rock University
April 3-4, 2009

Please join us for the twenty-second annual conference of the PA SSHE Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies to be held April 3-4, 2009 at Slippery Rock University. PA SSHE IAPRS invites paper submissions in all areas of philosophy and religious studies. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members (both current and emeritus) are eligible to submit papers.

Submission Details, deadline for all paper submissions is March 1, 2009.

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Submissions
• Please prepare papers for blind review. (Author's name should not appear on paper.)
• Papers should be 8-12 typed, double spaced, numbered pages (excluding notes), 2000-3000 words for a reading time of 15-20 minutes.
• Please include the following with your submission:
 A separate cover sheet with the author's name, paper title, status (graduate student or undergraduate student), institution affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and a word count for the paper.
 An abstract of 150 to 250 words prepared for blind review. (Author's name should not appear on abstract.)
 The completed paper prepared for blind review.
 Undergraduate submissions from students enrolled in PA SSHE institutions are eligible for prizes of $125, $75, and $50.

Faculty Submissions
• An abstract of 150-250 words, with the author's name, paper title, institution affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

E-mail submission is preferred. Attach the appropriate items (paper/abstract/cover sheet) to an e-mail message indicating name and title of submission in the e-mail. Please include SSHE IAPRS submission in the subject line. Please submit items as Word documents. E-mail submissions to
If submitting a hard copy, send 4 copies of all items to
Dr. Katherine Cooklin
Department of Philosophy
SWC 003
Slippery Rock University
Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Monday, February 2, 2009

cfp Ephemeris Undergrad Journal 2009

CFP Call for Papers

Ephemeris Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

Ephemeris is an undergraduate journal of philosophy published at Union
College and student-run. The purpose of Ephemeris is to harvest
exceptional undergraduate writing grounded in the distinct value and
interest of the philosophical endeavor.

Contributions are solicited in all areas of the philosophical
discipline. Contributions should take the form of essay, article, or
short note. Responses to previously published articles are also

Be sure to include your name, postal and email addresses, and the
university or college in which you are enrolled as an undergraduate.

Email: Please send your work to

Deadline for submissions March 2 2009.

Please visit the website for further important details

More news:

Our belated but beautiful 2008 volume is available. Please drop us a
note if you would like to receive a copy. (Authors can expect to
receive copies shortly.)


[Name of article removed by request of author]

Death and Discourse: an Inquiry into Meaning and Disruption
James R Goebel
California State University, Fullerton

New Hope for True Grounds
Tim Kakos
Wayne State University

Towards a Revised Goodmanian Account of Musical Works
Geordie McComb
University of Victoria

Response to Don Marquis: Abortion and the Lack of a Future
Greg Mitchell
Union College

Functionalism and The Chinese Room Thought-Experiment
Sarah A Thoubian
American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Schelling and the Presence of Evil
Ross Wolfe
Penn State University


Ephemeris Staff

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sophia/Western Canadian Undergraduate Conference


Papers are now being accepted for the second Western Canadian Undergraduate
Conference of Philosophy. It will be held at the University of Victoria,
Victoria, B.C., on March 14th, 2009.

Sophia, the University of Victoria's Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy, is
also accepting submissions for publication in our 2009 issue. This year's
edition will feature an interview with Simon Blackburn.

The submission deadline for both the conference and Sophia is JANUARY 28.

All papers must be philosophical in content, be accompanied with an
abstract, and must not exceed 4000 words. Submissions will automatically be
considered for both the Sophia and the conference unless you indicate
otherwise. Please do not include any identifying information within the
body of the paper itself.

Papers may be sent electronically to or in paper
form to: Sophia Journal Philosophy Students' Union Department of Philosophy
University of Victoria, PO BOX 3045 STN CSC, Victoria, BC V8W 3P4

For full conference and submission information, visit us at or email us at

- Editors of the Sophia

Conference at W & J

If you're interested, stop by the department to see:


Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
at Washington and Jefferson
7-10 pp submission, due by 2/28/2009
(submissions welcome on any topic)

Conference to be held: Sat., 4/4/2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

West Virginia University National Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

(We have the call for papers, if you're interested.)


Subject: West Virginia University National Undergraduate Philosophy Conference


The West Virginia University philosophy department will be hosting its Third Annual National Undergraduate Philosophy Conference on March 27th and 28th. Find attached the call for papers/announcement.

Undergraduates are asked to submit a paper on ANY topic in philosophy to<> by Feb. 20th.

Thank you,

Raquel Spencer
Philosophy Club President
West Virginia University<><>

Conference website:

Facebook group name: West Virginia University Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cal Philosophy Graduates

This post is for those who have attended California University of Pennslvania and majored/minored in philosophy.

If you're reading this, please leave a comment and tell us what you're up to--we're interested to know! Also, if you believe that your philosophy education has helped you in your current career, we'd like to hear how. This type of news can be encouraging to our current students.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some Open Courseware Links

One of our readers calls this listing of open courseware links to our attention:

It looks like there are a number of rather interesting courses available there--and they're free.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

CFP Midsouth Philosophy Conference

Note: The undergraduate conference information is towards the end of
the annoucement.



and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

The University of Memphis

April 17-18, 2009 (PLEASE NOTE APRIL DATE)

The thirty-third annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for
Friday afternoon and Saturday, April 17-18, at The University of Memphis.

There will be a keynote address at the beginning of the conference on Friday

There will be a $20 registration fee, payable by cash or check at the

Papers in any area are welcome. Papers must not exceed a length of 3000
words. On the first page of your paper, include the following nine items:

(1) a word count - 3000 words maximum!
(2) the author's name
(3) academic status (professor, unaffiliated, graduate student)
(4) institutional affiliation (if any)
(5) mailing address
(6) email address
(7) telephone number
(8) the paper's title
(9) an abstract - 100 words maximum!

Submissions which do not include all nine items will not be considered. No
more than one submission by the same author will be considered.

Email a copy of your paper, as an attachment, in Rich Text Format (RTF) or
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) to
Please title your paper as follows: YourLastName_YourFirstName.rtf - for
example, Locke_John.rtf

Papers must be received by MARCH 1. Papers will be reviewed by a committee.
Notification of acceptance will be made via email in late January.
Submissions whose authors cannot be contacted through email will be

Each paper will have a commentator. Those interested in commenting should
send a note to by March 9 of availability and areas of
interest. Persons whose papers are accepted will be expected to serve as
commentators if asked.

The UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE will have parallel sessions.
See for details.

Thomas Nenon has reserved rooms for Thursday (4/16) through Saturday (4/18)
nights at the Sleep Inn (901-522-9700) on 40 North Front Street, and at the
Comfort Inn (901-526-0583) on 100 North Front Street. Make reservations
directly, and as soon as possible. The airport shuttle goes to the hotels
for about $15, taxis for about $30.



Midsouth Philosophy Conference

University of Memphis

17-18 April 2009


Monday, January 12, 2009

CFP 2nd Annual Southeast Philosophy Congress

The Second Annual Southeast Philosophy Congress invites submissions
from undergraduate and graduate students in any area of philosophy.
The Congress, hosted by Clayton State University in Morrow, Georgia,
runs February 13-14, 2009, with keynote speaker Jack Zupko from Emory
University. Presented papers will be published in online and print

Talks run 20 minutes, followed by a 10 minute question/answer period.
Please email papers, accompanied by a brief abstract, to Dr. Todd
Janke: Submission deadline is January 31, 2009.
To allow time to plan travel, speakers will be notified immediately
upon acceptance and selection will close when all slots are filled.
The registration fee of $45.00 includes lunch both days and a print
copy of the proceedings.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

CFP College of Wooster Philosophical Journal


The College of Wooster Philosophical Journal


Students Of the
College of Wooster
Philosophy Department
Wooster, OH

'Sapere Aude', as used in Immanuel Kant's Essay, "What is
Enlightenment?" means 'Dare to Know.' This phrase exemplifies the
mission of Sapere Aude. Our aim is to facilitate intellectual
discovery by encouraging students to reason independently and to
explore unfamiliar philosophical territory.

We invite undergraduate students to submit philosophical papers in all
areas of philosophy. The papers should exhibit independent thought and
exemplify a deep understanding of a philosophical issue.

Papers sent to Sapere Aude for consideration of inclusion must adhere
to the following:

1) Each entry should be prepared for blind review and must have a
title page containing the author's name, college or university, and
year. (No other identifier should be present within the paper).
2) All entries should be no longer than 20 pages and may include
footnotes as a supplement to the text.
3) Paper format: one inch margins, double spaced, 12 pt. font, Times
New Roman, and should adhere to an accepted style of citation.
4) All pages, except the title page, should be numbered.
5) All entries should be submitted as an electronic copy (.Doc only,
please) to

Final papers and graduate school writing samples make particularly
good submissions.

Please send any questions to

Deadline for Submission:
January 31st, 2009