Thursday, October 16, 2008

Undrgrd Conf CFP

EPISTEME, an International Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy, in
celebration of its 20th year, announces:


The first Episteme Undergraduate Conference will take place at Denison
University in Granville, Ohio, on March 27th and 28th, 2009. Episteme
will consider for the conference papers written by undergraduate
students in any area of philosophy.

Papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria: quality
of research, depth of philosophical inquiry, creativity, original
insight and clarity.

Submissions to the March 2009 conference should adhere to the
following guidelines:

1. Maximum of 5,000 words.

2. Include a cover sheet with author's name, mailing address (current
and permanent), email address, telephone number, college or university
name, and submission title.

3. Include a Works Cited page in Chicago style. And please use
endnotes rather than footnotes.

4. For the purposes of blind review, please remove all references to
the author's name on the paper itself.

5. Submit papers electronically as Microsoft Word attachments to

Submissions to the 2009 conference must be sent by November 14th,
2008. All papers submitted prior to November 14th, 2008, will also be
considered for publication in the 2009 journal.

Please direct all questions to the student editor, Denison senior
Megan Henricks, at The conference website is

Alexandra Bradner
Dept. of Philosophy, Knapp 205D
Denison University
Granville, OH 43023

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