Monday, May 24, 2010

CFP: Rutgers Undergraduate Journal

The Rutgers University Undergraduate Philosophy Journal is seeking
papers for its 2011 issue. The deadline for submissions is

...September 15, 2010.

Inquiries and papers should be sent to:

Qualified applicants are current undergraduates and recent graduates
(who graduated up to two years ago) who will not be enrolled in a
graduate program by the time of publication. We accept papers in any
area of philosophy, on any topic.

Submission e-mails should contain two separate files: one file with
identifying and contact information (Name, University Affiliation,
Class Year, and daytime phone number), and a separate file for the
submission itself.

If you would like to see the current edition of our journal, please

Thank you,

The Editorial Board of Arete, the Rutgers Undergraduate Philosophy