Monday, October 26, 2009

Call for Undergraduate Papers

Call For Undergraduate Papers

STANCE: An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal

Submission Guidelines:
Stance welcomes papers concerning any philosophical topic. Current
undergraduates may submit a paper between 1500 and 3500 words in
length (footnotes may extend the word limit 500 words at most). Stance
asks that each undergraduate only submit one paper for the journal per
year. Papers should avoid unnecessary technicality and strive to be
accessible to the widest possible audience without sacrificing clarity
or rigor. They are evaluated on the following criteria: depth of
inquiry, quality of research, creativity, lucidity, and most
importantly originality.

Submission Procedures:
• Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word (.doc) format and sent as an
attachment to
• Manuscripts should be double-spaced (including quotations, excerpts,
and footnotes)
• The right margin should not be justified
• To facilitate our anonymous review process, submissions are to be
prepared for blind review. Include a cover page with the author's
name, affiliation, title, and email address. Papers, including
footnotes, should have no other identifying markers.
• Footnotes should follow Chicago Manual of Style. Examples are on our
website under Notes for Contributors.
• Please use American spellings and punctuation, except when directly
quoting a source that has followed British style.


Deadline: Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Undergraduate CFP


Episteme, an International Journal of Undergraduate Philosophy,
announces the scheduled publication of volume XXI, May 2010.

Episteme will consider papers written by undergraduate students in any
area of philosophy. Papers are evaluated according to quality of
research, depth of inquiry, creativity, original insight and clarity.
Submissions should:

1. Remain under the 5,000 words maximum.

2. Include a cover sheet with the author's name, mailing address
(current and permanent), email address, telephone number, college or
university name, submission title, and word count.

3. End with a Works Cited page in Chicago style. Please use endnotes
rather than footnotes.

4. Arrive electronically by midnight on 11/15/09 to the e-mail address as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Episteme is an annual student-run publication, founded in 1990, that
aims to recognize and encourage excellence in undergraduate philosophy
by providing students and faculty with examples of strong work.

Our May 2009 issue, volume XX, contained the following four papers:

"The Place of Book X in Plato's Republic, by Willie Costello,
University of Pittsburgh

"A Gap in Kim's Eliminative Argument for Reductionism," by B.D.
Mooneyham, Kansas State University

"Rawls on Abortion: Adapting his Theory of Justice to the
Controversy," Douglas Dreier, Cornell University

"Norm-Expressivism and the Frege-Geach Problem," Megan Blomfield,
University of Bristol

Please direct all questions to the editor -- Denison junior Sean Walt
-- at

Call for Undergraduate Essays

The Interlocutor: Sewanee Philosophical Review is pleased to announce
its most recent volume and its first call for high quality
undergraduate essays for its upcoming volume.

Our call for essays and instructions for submissions can be viewed at

The most recent volume is available at

If you have questions, please feel free to contact

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Call for Papers: The Hemlock Papers (an undergraduate philosophy journal)

A Call for Papers

The Hemlock Papers is now seeking submissions for the Spring 2010 issue.

The Hemlock Papers is produced through the Philosophy Department at
the University of Idaho. This journal publishes work by any
undergraduate student with an interest in philosophy.

We are seeking papers on any philosophical topic. Submissions should
be between three and five thousand words. Essays must be original,
previously unpublished, and submitted while the author is an

Editors may require revisions from authors of accepted submissions.

            Email submissions to by January 11th, 2010.

Submissions should include a title page with title of submission,
author name, institution, email address, and postal address. For blind
review, the rest of the document should only include the title and
text. Email submissions in .docx, .doc, .rtf, .wpd, or .pdf formats.
Any questions regarding submissions can be sent to the editors
directly at the above email address.

Authors will be notified regarding submissions by March, 2010. Authors
of accepted submissions will receive a gratis copy of the Spring 2010
edition of The Hemlock Papers.

The Hemlock Papers

Department of Philosophy

University of Idaho

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Midsouth Philosophy Conference cfp


     M I D S O U T H  P H I L O S O P H Y  C O N F E R E N C E

     and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

     The University of Memphis

     March 5-6, 2010

The thirty-fourth annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for
Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 5-6, at The University of Memphis.
There will be a $25 registration fee, payable by cash or check at the
conference (but not by credit or debit card).

Alastair Norcross (University of Colorado at Boulder) will deliver the
keynote address.

The UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE will have parallel sessions.
has details.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

LSAT Workshop Invitation

(Email Dr. Fox or Dr. Press if you're interested in registering for this workshop; we'll give you the relevant information.)

LSAT Test Taking Strategies and Practice Exam

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Location: Saint Vincent College, Prep 100

Test Taking Strategies Session: room A36

The first part of the session will be an administration of the LSAT under test conditions. The second session will deal with the composition of the LSAT, how to prepare, and test taking strategies. Test scores and suggestions for improvement will be mailed to students in two weeks

Notice: California University of Pennsylvania is changing its domain name from CUP.EDU to CALU.EDU, effective Aug. 14. Please make a note that all email addresses will change to use this domain name and record appropriate changes in your contact lists. The CUP.EDU address will continue to work in parallel for a short time and then will be discontinued.

New MA program: Ryerson University (Toronto)

The Philosophy Department at Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada) is
launching an MA program in September 2010. It is a two year (i.e.,
five-term) program and students complete either a thesis or a major
research paper. Our department has strengths in the philosophy of mind
and language; metaphysics; continental philosophy; philosophy of
religion; social and moral philosophy; and aesthetics. We offer very
competitive financial support, with opportunities to work as teaching
and research assistants. We start considering applications on January
15th, 2010.

More information can be found at
or by emailing the Graduate Program Director at

CFP: Ohio Philosophical Association Conference

TOPIC: CFP: Ohio Philosophical Association


* *

*for the*

*Ohio Philosophical Association *

*Annual Meeting*

*Ohio Northern University*

*Ada, Ohio*

*Saturday, April 10, 2010***

*Keynote Speaker*

*Christopher Shields*

Professor of Classical Philosophy

Tutorial Fellow, Lady Margret Hall

Papers are invited on any topic. Papers should be less than 4000 words (not
including notes) and be deliverable in half an hour or less. Submissions
should be prepared for blind review and include an abstract of no more than
200 words.  Papers should be submitted via the conference website.

Papers must be in .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF, or .TXT format only, please, and should
be submitted no later than *January 15, 2010***

Those interested in *commenting* on a paper or *chairing* a session should
contact program chair Patrick Croskery at, as should
those with any questions about the conference.

*Deadline for submission is January 15, 2010.*

Monday, October 5, 2009

Women & Philosophy

Here's a brief reflection on a recent article about the lack of women
in philosophy: