Saturday, February 14, 2009

Undergraduate Existentialism Journal

--- THE REED St. Olaf College's Annual, Interdisciplinary, Undergraduate
Journal of Existentialism THE REED invites undergraduate students to submit
essays, prose, poetry, or visual art for the 11th volume. The journal
accepts submissions from undergraduates around the English-speaking world,
and is distributed to philosophy departments across the United States, as
well as the UK and Canada.

Email questions and submissions to:

DEADLINE: April 15th, 2009 Submissions should be from undergraduate
students only, address existential themes or thinkers, and include the
submitter's name and school. Essays should not exceed 4,000 words.

Corliss G. Swain, Chair
Department of Philosophy
St. Olaf College
1520 St. Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057


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Friday, February 6, 2009

Courses for next year?

Are there any courses you'd like to have offered next Fall? Let us know.
While there are a number of factors that contribute to what gets offered, we'd like student wants & needs to be one of them!

PA SSHE Conference at Slippery Rock

The PA SSHE Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies
22nd Annual Conference
Slippery Rock University
April 3-4, 2009

Please join us for the twenty-second annual conference of the PA SSHE Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies to be held April 3-4, 2009 at Slippery Rock University. PA SSHE IAPRS invites paper submissions in all areas of philosophy and religious studies. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members (both current and emeritus) are eligible to submit papers.

Submission Details, deadline for all paper submissions is March 1, 2009.

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Submissions
• Please prepare papers for blind review. (Author's name should not appear on paper.)
• Papers should be 8-12 typed, double spaced, numbered pages (excluding notes), 2000-3000 words for a reading time of 15-20 minutes.
• Please include the following with your submission:
 A separate cover sheet with the author's name, paper title, status (graduate student or undergraduate student), institution affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and a word count for the paper.
 An abstract of 150 to 250 words prepared for blind review. (Author's name should not appear on abstract.)
 The completed paper prepared for blind review.
 Undergraduate submissions from students enrolled in PA SSHE institutions are eligible for prizes of $125, $75, and $50.

Faculty Submissions
• An abstract of 150-250 words, with the author's name, paper title, institution affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

E-mail submission is preferred. Attach the appropriate items (paper/abstract/cover sheet) to an e-mail message indicating name and title of submission in the e-mail. Please include SSHE IAPRS submission in the subject line. Please submit items as Word documents. E-mail submissions to
If submitting a hard copy, send 4 copies of all items to
Dr. Katherine Cooklin
Department of Philosophy
SWC 003
Slippery Rock University
Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Monday, February 2, 2009

cfp Ephemeris Undergrad Journal 2009

CFP Call for Papers

Ephemeris Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

Ephemeris is an undergraduate journal of philosophy published at Union
College and student-run. The purpose of Ephemeris is to harvest
exceptional undergraduate writing grounded in the distinct value and
interest of the philosophical endeavor.

Contributions are solicited in all areas of the philosophical
discipline. Contributions should take the form of essay, article, or
short note. Responses to previously published articles are also

Be sure to include your name, postal and email addresses, and the
university or college in which you are enrolled as an undergraduate.

Email: Please send your work to

Deadline for submissions March 2 2009.

Please visit the website for further important details

More news:

Our belated but beautiful 2008 volume is available. Please drop us a
note if you would like to receive a copy. (Authors can expect to
receive copies shortly.)


[Name of article removed by request of author]

Death and Discourse: an Inquiry into Meaning and Disruption
James R Goebel
California State University, Fullerton

New Hope for True Grounds
Tim Kakos
Wayne State University

Towards a Revised Goodmanian Account of Musical Works
Geordie McComb
University of Victoria

Response to Don Marquis: Abortion and the Lack of a Future
Greg Mitchell
Union College

Functionalism and The Chinese Room Thought-Experiment
Sarah A Thoubian
American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Schelling and the Presence of Evil
Ross Wolfe
Penn State University


Ephemeris Staff