Friday, November 30, 2007

MA in philosophy - new 2year program at the Central European University in Budapest

Interested in doing an MA in philosophy in Budapest??


A new MA program in philosophy is launched in September 2008 at the
Central European University in Budapest.

The curriculum of the two year program covers most major areas of
philosophy, primarily - but not exclusively  - from an analytic
perspective, and offers a training in thinking analytically and
systematically which is of great value in a number of different

In addition, the program aims to enable students to proceed to doctoral
training in philosophy, either at CEU, in the region, or the rest of the
world. Because of the analytical orientation of the department, and also
because the language of instruction is English, we hope this program
will be a good preparation for those students who want to continue their
studies in the US or the UK.

The program is conceived as a two-year Bologna-compatible MA program.
Those students who have taken a four-year BA in philosophy, or already
have an MA, are also welcome to apply, for example if they want to
increase their familiarity with the analytic approach. For them, it is
also possible to complete the course in one year.

All our MA students are eligible for a full financial package which
includes a tuition waiver, health insurance, housing, and a monthly

We also continue with our PhD program and welcome applicants for the
next academic year.

application deadlines: January 15, 2008 and February 28, 2008

Further information about the department and the program is available
at our website (, or contact Kriszta Biber (coordinator)
or Katalin Farkas (head of department).

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

News from the Art & Design Department

From Laura DeFazio, one of our friends in the Art Department:

Events in the next two weeks:

•Wednesday Nov. 28th at 6pm in Vulcan Student Gallery---Joe Mruk's show: The Good Fight (great show!)

•Thursday November 29th at 7pm at Jozart's---Printmaking show

•(this week's Open Model Session is moved to Thursday, December 6, since the print show is this Thursday)

•Friday November 30th, evening---Studio Crawl off campus (I don't have the details, but postings are up in Vulcan for it)

•Thursday December 6 (tentatively)---Philosophy and Physics clubs are planning another film night in Vulcan.

•Friday December 7th, 5020 Penn Avenue---2 exhibitions: art club's "Rousseau's Dream" and Todd Pinkham's "Societal Circus" at the Penn Avenue "Unblurred" First Friday Artwalk

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An Article on World Philosophy Day

Here's a link to an amusing article on World Philosophy Day. Apparently, it was a week and a half ago. How did you celebrate it?

("The (Limited) Power of Philosophy" by Evan Goldstein on The Chronicle of Higher Education's blogs section.)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Philosophy Talk This Thursday, 11/29

Craig Fox will deliver a paper called "Wittgenstein and the Possibility of Self-expression" this Thursday, 11/29. Here's an abstract:

"The purpose of this talk is two-fold. First, it will provide something of an introduction to the philosophical ideas of Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. I will not presuppose any familiarity with his work. Second, I will relate his ideas to the notion of self-expression: what kinds of limitations are there on what we would call "self-expression" (be it of a spoken, written, or traditionally "artistic" type)? The results are perhaps not what we would naively expect, and they have implications for how we characterize our relationships to others."

It will be held in Duda 202, from 4:00-6:00. (Actually, it will likely start around 4:15.)

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Paper by Dr. Hoy

Below is a link to a paper by Ron Hoy called "Explaining the Appearance of Temporal Passage."

Right now, the plan is that he will present it next semester sometime (details to come). Feel free to read it and post any comments or questions you might have.

There will be a talk by Craig Fox on "Wittgenstein and the Possibility of Self-expression" on the Thursday following Thanksgiving, 11/29 (again, more details to come). (link for Dr. Hoy's paper)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mattress Factory carpool time-change

(A message forwarded from Robert, originally for the Art Club:)

Mattress Factory carpool time-change

Hello All,

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are changing the time of the Carpool for the trip to the Mattress Factory from leaving at 5:30 to leaving at 4:30.

The reason for the change is: we can have a tour of the exhibition at 6:00, before the lecture at 7:00, all for the same price of $5.00 per student, WHICH THE ART CLUB IS PAYING FOR, for all Cal students who come. Please just bring your student ID.

Below is some info I cut and pasted from the Mattress Factory website about the exhibition, and some links, in case it might inspire a few more of you to join us! If there are any more potential drivers, please reply and let me know. I think we have enough drivers to cover those wanting to attend, but an extra back-up never hurts.

Also, rather than sending another email again this week: a reminder that Thursday at 6:00 is the opening for Click, Click, Boom.

Have a great week!

Indian Culture and Religion

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
7:00 PM (guided tour at 6PM)
Admission: $10.00 ($5.00 Students/MF Members)
September 7, 2007 - January 20, 2008

To celebrate our 30th year, the Mattress Factory is presenting India: New Installations, an exhibition that will open in two parts.

Mattress Factory Curator, Michael Olijnyk and Executive/Artistic Director Barbara Luderowski traveled to India in 2006 and selected ten artists to participate in two exhibitions throughout 2007. These artists will come to Pittsburgh, live in residence at the Museum, and create new work on site.

India: New Installations, Part II, includes artists Anita Dube, Raqs Media Collective and Hema Upadhyay.

Support for India: New Installations is provided by The Pittsburgh Foundation; The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts; National Endowment for the Arts; Richard King Mellon Foundation; Allegheny Regional Asset District; Pennsylvania Council on the Arts; AG Foundation; W. L. S. Spencer Foundation; Acusis; an Anonymous Donor; Asian Cultural Council; Nimoy Foundation; E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation; Pennsylvania Humanities Council; and William V. and Catherine A. McKinney Charitable Foundation.


Anita Dube<>

Raqs Media Collective<>

Hema<> Upadhyay<>

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Quantum Physics

Another message from Robert:

"But the MATH said...!"
An informal look: Just how literally can we take Quantum Physics?

Dr. William E. Dieterle

Third Street Gallery, Carnegie, PA
Saturday, November 10
Leaving from Coover Lot by public safety @ 5:30 pm
Please Come Early

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Philosophy Events

A speedy message from Mr. Robert Branch-Ware...

What does a Nude model have to do with Nihilism?

Come find out!!!

Join both the Philosophy and Art Club on
Thursday, November 8th @
6:30-11:30 in Vulcan Hall
6:30-8:30 - Live nude model (MUST BE WILLING TO DRAW)
8:30-11:30 - Discussion and review of existentialism and nihilism in "I Heart Huckabees"

"But the MATH said...!"
An informal look: Just how literally can we take Quantum Physics?

Dr. William E. Dieterle

Third Street Gallery, Carnegie, PA
Saturday, November 10