Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Spring 2008 Classes
Friday, October 26, 2007
Undergraduate Conference and Four Key Note Speakers
Allegheny College is pleased to host a two-day conference on whiteness and racism titled "Examining Whiteness: An Academic Conference on White Privilege and Racism in America" on April 4-5, 2008. Keynote speakers will be Lucius Outlaw (Vanderbilt University), Shannon Sullivan (Pennsylvania State University), Charles Mills (Northwestern University), and Linda Martin Alcoff (Syracuse University). The presentations of these four eminent philosophers of race on April 4 will anchor the undergraduate conference held all day April 5. Undergraduate students are invited to present their own work either in the form of complete papers or as a part of panel discussions.
Detailed information about the conference, including a call for papers and panels, registration forms and fees, biographies of the invited speakers, and an electronic version of the conference poster can be found at the conference homepage<>. I invite you and your students to attend and participate in this exciting opportunity for our region. Direct all inquiries and questions to Eric Boynton<>.
Eric Boynton, Ph.D.
Allegheny College
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
520 N. Main St.
Meadville, PA 16335<>
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Call for papers
Direct replies and questions to
David Boersema <>
April 18-19, 2008
Pacific University
Forest Grove, Oregon
Keynote speaker: Jerry Fodor (Rutgers University)
The 12th annual Pacific University Undergraduate Philosophy Conference will
be held April 18-19, 2008 on the campus of Pacific University, in Forest
Grove, Oregon. The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for the
presentation of philosophical work of undergraduates to their peers. Papers
are required to be of philosophical content, but there are no specific
restrictions on subject matter within the arena of philosophical discussion
itself. Papers should be approximately 3000 words (10-12 pages). Electronic
submissions, including paper and abstract (Word documents), are preferred
and can be sent to: Hard copy submissions are also
welcome. In this case, please send two copies of paper and abstract to:
David Boersema, Department of Philosophy, Pacific University, Forest Grove
OR 97116. (Phone: 503 352 2150; fax: 503 352 2242.) Group papers and
suggestions for panel discussions are also welcome. Submission deadline is
February 1, 2008. Final decisions will be made by February 28, 2008.
Volunteers for paper commentators are also welcome.
This year¹s keynote speaker at the conference banquet is Jerry Fodor from
Rutgers University.
The conference schedule will be as follows:
Friday, April 18: Conference banquet 6:30-8:00pm;
Keynote talk 8:00-9:00pm.
Saturday, April 19: Breakfast 7:00-8:00am;
Paper sessions 8:00-1:00;
Conference luncheon 1:00-2:00;
Paper sessions 2:00-6:00.
Travel and lodging information can be found by going to the conference web
site at:
Registration costs: $30, payable at the conference. Three meals will be
provided: Friday night banquet, Saturday breakfast and lunch.
For further information, contact Professor Boersema at the address above.
Monday, October 22, 2007
CFP Undergraduate conference
FEBRUARY 16, 2008
The inaugural meeting of the Southeast Philosophy Conference is scheduled for Saturday, February 16, 2008, at Clayton State University in Morrow, Georgia. Papers in any area are welcome. There will be a $15 registration fee, payable at the conference.
Submissions must not exceed a length of 3000 words, and must include a cover letter stating the paper's title, author's name, university or college, mailing and email addresses, and telephone number. Either email submissions to or send two printed copies to:
Southeast Philosophy Conference
Department of Communicative Arts & Integrative Studies
Clayton State University
Morrow, Georgia 30260
Papers must be received by January 28, 2008. Notification of acceptance will be made via email by February 4, 2008. Papers will be published in a Proceedings of the Conference.
Contact for questions:
This photo is remarkable in that it has not only captures Dr. Press in action, but it also contains the images of some very intelligent students. (Photo courtesy of the Department's roving photographer.)
SSHE IAPRS conference call for papers
The twenty-first annual conference of the PA SSHE Interdisciplinary Association for Philosophy and Religious Studies will be held at IUP on April 11-12, 2008. The keynote speaker for the conference will be Jerry Massey from the University of Pittsburgh. PA SSHE IAPRS seeks papers in all areas of philosophy and religious studies by undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members (both current and emeritus). The call for papers is attached and below. Please distribute it to your colleagues who are not on this list and to your students.
If your department plans to participate and has not yet sent your annual payment to Corbin Fowler, please send your payment to Corbin Fowler, Treasurer, IAPRS, Philosophy Dept, EUP, Edinboro, PA 16444. For Philosophy Departments, or faculty within a larger dept, the dues are $200 for a philosophy faculty of 5 or more, and $100 for a philosophy faculty of 4 or less. These dues allow us to maintain our website <>, help fund the annual conference (held this year at IUP), and pay for the student prizes in our annual essay contest.
Submission Details, deadline March 1, 2008
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Submissions
* a paper of 8-12 typed, double-spaced, numbered pages (excluding notes), 2000-3000 words, or 15-20 minutes reading time. (The author's name must not appear on the paper).
* an abstract of no more than 250 words (The author's name must not appear on the abstract.)
* a separate cover sheet (or email message) with the author's name, paper title, status (graduate or undergraduate student), institution, address, telephone number, E-mail address, and a word count for the paper.
* Undergraduate submissions from students enrolled in PA SSHE institutions are eligible for prizes of $125, $75, and $50.
Faculty Submissions
* an abstract of no more than 250 words, with the author's name, paper title, institution, address, telephone number, and E-mail address.
Email submission is preferred. Attach the paper/abstract (preferably as a Word document) to an email message indicating the items listed above for the cover sheet (students) or abstract (faculty). Send the message to<>
For hard copy submission, send three copies of the paper, separate cover sheet (students only), and abstract (faculty and students) to
Professor Carol Caraway
Department of Philosophy
Sutton Hall, Room 452
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA 15705
Lodging will be at the Best Western and will cost $ 51.94 per room per night. For students, there is no registration fee, and the cost of their hotel rooms and will be covered by the association.
If you have questions, you may email me at<>. I hope to see you at the conference.
Professor Carol Caraway
Saturday, October 20, 2007
CFP student philosophy journal Discourse
---------- Forwarded message ----------
The Discourse Editorial Staff is currently seeking submissions for the
2007 issue. The theme for this issue is philosophy and popular culture.
While well-written work dealing with the aforementioned topic is
preferred, the Editorial Staff of Discourse remains open to the
possibility of accepting work outside of the year's suggested theme. The
Discourse Staff encourages not only essay submissions, but also poetry,
short stories, plays, photography, etc.
DISCOURSE accepts original submissions from any person below A.B.D.
level. All submissions will be considered under double blind peer
review. Your name may not appear anywhere in the text. Please include
a cover page and a short biography page.
On the cover page, with the title, include the following:
-Phone number
-Mailing Address
-E-mail address
-University affiliation (if any)
-Brief (50 word maximum) biographical citation in the third person.
Submissions should not exceed 7,000 words or 20 double-spaced pages. All
submissions must be cited in Chicago Style with footnotes. All
submissions must be e-mailed to: as a Word document
or in Rich Text Format. You will be notified of the receipt of your
submission within three business days; if you are not notified please
email again.
Submissions must be received no later than January 30, 2008.
If you have any further questions please e-mail us at:
David J. Stump
Department of Philosophy, USF
2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 USA
VOICE: (415) 422-6153 FAX: (415) 422-5356
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